Burial、ニューEP『Rival Dealer』リリースに珍しくコメントを発表

これまで作品リリースに際してもほとんど発言することのなかったBurialが、今月リリースした新EP『Rival Dealer』に寄せて、コメントを発表した。以下に。

I put my heart into the new EP, I hope someone likes it. I wanted the tunes to be anti-bullying tunes that could maybe help someone to believe in themselves, to not be afraid, and to not give up, and to know that someone out there cares and is looking out for them. So it's like an angel's spell to protect them against the unkind people, the dark times, and the self-doubts.

ニューEP『Rival Dealer』の3曲を以下に。

「Rival Dealer」


「Come Down To Us」