2015.04.22 09:30
フー・ファイターズのデイヴ・グロール&パット・スメア、スリップノットのコリィ・テイラー、元クイーンズ・オブ・ザ・ストーン・エイジのニック・オリヴェリ、ラム・オブ・ゴッドのランディー・ブライズなどなどが集結したスーパー・グループ、Teenage Time Killersのファースト・アルバムの詳細が明らかになった。
『Greatest Hits Vol.1』というタイトルのデビュー作のリリースは7月。レコーディングはデイヴ・グロールのスタジオ「606 Studios」。
「Hung Out To Dry」が公開に。
Vocals: Reed Mullin
Featuring Pat Hoed (Bass), London May (Drums)
Crowned by the Light of the Sun
Vocals: Neil Fallon
Featuring Jim Rota (Guitar), Dave Grohl (Bass)
Hung Out to Dry
Vocals: Randy Blythe
Featuring Mike Schaefer (Guitar), Dave Grohl (Bass)
Power Outage
Vocals: Clifford Dinsmore
Featuring Dave Grohl (Bass)
Ode to Hannity
Vocals: Jello Biafra
Featuring Mike Dean (Bass)
Vocals: Matt Skiba
Featuring Brian Baker (Guitar)
The Dead Hand
Vocals: Reed Mullin
Featuring Woody Weatherman (Guitar), Dave Grohl (Bass)
Vocals: Corey Taylor
Featuring Dave Grohl (Bass)
Plank Walk
Vocals: Pete Stahl
Featuring Greg Anderson (Guitar), Dave Grohl (Bass)
Time to Die
Vocals: Mike IX Williams
Featuring Greg Anderson (Guitar)
Days of Degradation
Vocals: Tommy Victor
Featuring Dave Grohl (Bass)
Vocals: Tairrie B. Murphy
Featuring Dave Grohl (Bass)
Big Money
Vocals: Lee Ving
Featuring Pat Smear (Guitar & Bass), London May (Drums)
Devil in this House
Vocals: Karl Agell
Featuring Dave Grohl (Bass)
Say Goodnight to the Acolyte
Vocals: Phil Rind
Featuring Jason Browning (Guitar), Dave Grohl (Bass)
Ignorant People
Vocals: Tony Foresta
Featuring Greg Anderson (Guitar), Nick Oliveri (Bass)
Son of an Immigrant
Vocals: Johnny Weber
Featuring Brian Baker (Guitar)
Your Empty Soul
Vocals: Aaron Beam
Bleeding to Death
Vocals: Vic Bondi
Featuring Dave Grohl (Bass)
Teenage Time Killer
Vocals: Trenton Rogers
Featuring Greg Anderson (Guitar), Pat Hoed (Bass)