

タイトルが『The Flaming Lips and Heady Fwends』というその新作に参加しているのは、Bon Iver, Erykah Badu, Nick Cave, Yoko Ono, Neon Indian, Ke$ha, Prefuse 73, Tame Impala, My Morning JacketからJim James, Lightning Bolt, Biz Markie, ColdplayからChris Martinといった面々。なお、本作は2枚組で、再プレスは決して行わないそうだ。トラックリストは以下。

Side 1:
01 2012 (featuring Ke$ha and Biz Markie)
02 Ashes in the Air (featuring Bon Iver)
03 Helping the Retarded to Know God (featuring Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros)
Side 2:
04 Supermoon Made Me Want To Pee (featuring Prefuse 73)
05 Children of the Moon (featuring Tame Impala)
06 That Ain't My Trip (featuring Jim James of My Morning Jacket)
07 You, Man? Human? (featuring Nick Cave)
Side 3:
08 I'm Working at NASA On Acid (featuring Lightning Bolt)
09 Do It! (featuring Yoko Ono)
10 Is David Bowie Dying? (featuring Neon Indian)
Side 4:
11 The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (featuring Erykah Badu)
12 Thunder Drops (featuring New Fumes)
13 I Don't Want You to Die (featuring Chris Martin of Coldplay)