






GOLD... 15 Years Ago today. Happy Anniversary to this awesome chapter in my life. ....the title refers to the color of the buildings and hills at dusk in LA. I was living in the Roosevelt Hotel when I recorded this. I had so many cool songs, ideas, so many memories that had become technicolor from how black and white they had been only a year before. I knew I wanted to capture that after having toured the world by myself, solo show after solo show. I had one harmonica and it was rusted and knicked- I threw it in the LA River. I wanted to explore hope again. I wanted to write songs about what it felt like to be kissed again. To feel like hot fireworks in a roof in a paper bag. I wanted to live. I'm so grateful I stayed who I was and made this leap when all anyone wanted was Heartbreaker part 2. You gotta be who you really are- not something people can sell. I never have had that problem. It labeled me difficult but it also meant I wouldn't have to pretend I didn't have something to say. I did. If you don't, put down the guitar and go work at Old Navy. Let the people who do get by. They'll be staring back at you in the dust anyway. Truth has a way of doing that. For all those heartbreaking times, confusion, alcoholism, struggle with the label, I got up and made this. This and so so so many more songs that aren't even on this. And I'm so proud I did. I even wrote a love song about scientifically wishing redshift wasn't a cosmological reality- and that the universe was coming together not drifting apart. Now I know it doesn't matter where other galaxies and stars are going- just that people remember we are the same distant traveler to each other, bluer and bluer each year, and to shine just as bright. We are all out here drifting on the sea of nothing with our flashlights and lighters waving. Let that light shine. Here's to that. Happy 15th, GOLD. And to that kid that made this, that wild ass, determined, stubborn kid, if I could reach back in time far enough I would give him the biggest hug he ever had. He wouldn't know how bad he was gonna need that. DRA

Ryan Adamsさん(@misterryanadams)が投稿した写真 -


15年前、例えばMTVでストロークスの”Last Nite”が流れた瞬間、それはあまりにも新鮮な、メインストリーム・カルチャーへの殴り込みだった。あれからというものインディ・ロックとポップの定義は確実に書き換えられた。ポップ・ミュージックそのものが様変わりした。ライアンもまた、そんな時代の流れのど真ん中にいたアーティストだった。


この作品から15年ということは、ニューヨークの同時多発テロからも15年である。本作には奇しくも”New York, New York"が収められている。9月11日に発売される予定だったウィルコの『Yankee Hotel Foxtrot』同様、宿命の作品でもある。



