




Channel 1
14:55 - Bring Me the Horizon
16:20 - Red Hot Chili Peppers
18:05 - The Orchestra of Syrian Musicians + Damon Albarn + guests
20:12 - Bring Me the Horizon
21:40 - Red Hot Chili Peppers
23:21 - The Orchestra of Syrian Musicians + Damon Albarn + guests

Channel 1
2:05 - Red Hot Chili Peppers
3:30 - Choir of Young Believers
4:45 - Courtney Barnett
7:30 - Tenacious D
9:00 - Bomba Estereo
10:10 - Red Hot Chili Peppers
11:35 - Choir of Young Believers
12:50 - Courtney Barnett
15:35 - Tenacious D
17:05 - Bomba Estereo
18:15 - Red Hot Chili Peppers
19:40 - Choir of Young Believers
20:55 - Courtney Barnett
23:40 - Tenacious D

Channel 2
2:15 - Bring Me the Horizon
3:15 - Blue Pills
4:15 - Destroyer
5:15 - Bomba Estereo
6:15 - Birdy Nam Nam
7:15 - Courtney Barnett
8:15 - Kvelertak
10:35 - Bring Me the Horizon
11:35 - Blue Pills
12:35 - Destroyer
13:35 - Bomba Estereo
14:35 - Birdy Nam Nam
15:35 - Courtney Barnett
16:35 - Kvelertak
20:10 - Bring Me the Horizon
21:10 - Blue Pills
22:10 - Destroyer
23:10 - Bomba Estereo

Channel 1
3:20 - Mac Demarco
5:20 - Stormzy

Channel 2
0:10 - Birdy Nam Nam
1:10 - Courtney Barnett
2:15 - BadBadNotGood

Channel 1
2:05 - Danko Jones
5:50 - New Order
6:50 - Miike Snow

Channel 2
2:15 - Gojira
3:15 - Balani Show Business De Bamako
5:15 - David August


なお、Red Bull TVではロスキルド・フェスティヴァルに加え、「ロラパルーザ(アメリカ)」、「ベスティバル(イギリス)」、「オースティン・シティ・リミッツ(アメリカ)」の独占ライブストリーミング配信が決定している。

